Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Goodbye Highbourne!

Hey guys, its Maddy here sitting at Bimini Sands Marina. Yup, it's true. I'm no longer in Highbourne but I had a great last few days there. It all starts Easter Sunday. I woke up and barely noticed the tiny basket on my other pillow. It had a Kit Kat, an M&M packet, and the eggs I had painted earlier that week. The Easter Bunny found me! Even though I didn't get much, I was so surprised that he came. I was so excited because today was also the day of the Easter egg hunt! Yay! We woke up and Mamere made french toast. Then, I grabbed a bag and went out to the dock near the beach. All of the kids ran out on the beach and in the bushes looking for eggs and Skittle packs. Everybody was so focused on the eggs, that I just filled up on the Skittles. I did find eggs too, though. 

After the hunt, I made a shirt. It was full of paint and stickers. Grandpa got his shirt painted, too. A lady squeezed the paint too hard and it splattered all over Grandpa's shirt and pants! 

We spent the last few days getting ready for the long boat ride over to Great Harbour. It was an all day ride. We went fishing on the way there and we caught 2 big mahi. We were just sitting with our poles out when we saw a school of mahi swim by. Three of them bit three of the lines! There was one small one, one medium, and one huge. MaMere first reeled in the medium and got that one into the boat. Then, Grandpa reeled in the huge one which was way bigger than I was and weighed about 60 pounds. After the long struggle, we got him into the boat. We lost the small one, but that's ok!
This was the huge mahi! 
 It was late when we got home, so we cleaned the fish and had fresh fish for dinner. The next day, Grandpa rented a golf cart so we could explore the island. I noticed three boys playing basketball on a court, but there were no hoops. There were laundry baskets. This was a very poor island. If you needed groceries, than you would go to somebody's house. They put things on their living room shelves and call it a store. Just remember how lucky you are to have everything you need. We found a large cave on the beach. It was huge and went way back. We didn't get to go in it, but we did get a picture.
This was the golf cart we rented!

We stopped at a restaurant. This is my drink!
 The next day we went to a sandbar near an awesome snorkeling spot. When I was snorkeling, I kept hearing this crunching sound. I look everywhere but besides Grandpa, I don't see anyone who could be making that sound. Then, I saw several parrot fish munching at the coral.
- That explains it! Parrot fish create limestone by eating the coral. When they digest it, [that's how I'm going to put it], it's no longer coral. It's limestone. Then, I saw the biggest barracuda I've ever seen! It was huge and it was just watching us with it's teeth sticking out. I found a certain spot near the sandbar that the water was bathtub warm. I stayed there all day. 
The day after that, we had another long boat ride over to Bimini. We didn't catch any fish, but we did get to go swimming that night in the pool they have. It felt good to go swimming in a pool.
 We even tried out a hammock. 
Well, I'm sorry for the big delay on blogs. My trip is almost over. See you soon! Here are a few pictures from Highbourne as a goodbye part.
We left a ball in memory of our trip.

This was a double sunset.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Easter Squid!


If you saw in my last blog, I posted a video of a creature that I found on the beach. My trivia question was What is this creature? The answer is B. Baby Octopus. Did you get it right this time? You must know your sea creatures! If you didn't get it right, don't worry. I thought it was a squid when I found it. Speaking of squids, I found two squids the other day and then I realized that the creature didn't look like the squids at all. These squids were big! I have a video and pictures below. 
 My friend Elena went to another island recently so now I play with myself, but it's very hard to get lonely here. There are so many things to do! Instead of being lonely, focus on the things that you could be doing. I could go snorkeling, shell-hunting, build a sandcastle, swim, splash, find creatures under rocks, make a fort, and many more million things.

 I also can't wait for Easter! If we decided to stay in Highbourne for another week, they have a big Easter egg hunt. They stick candies and prizes in eggs and throw them out around the island. I hope we get to stay! Yesterday, I saw a Greater Antillean Bullfinch. I can read minds. Your thinking "What in the world is a Great What-What Bullfinch?!" This is a elusive and mysterious bird. We see them occasionally but they love to play hide-and-seek. I did not end up getting a picture, but I will work on that in the future! Today, we woke up early and went out on the dingy. First, we went to a tiny beach on a tiny island called Lobster Cay. I found weeds that were bigger than I was, [ again, I'm not very big ], and bigger than Grandpa!

Next, we went to what we call Sea Star beach because that's where we mostly find sea stars. I snorkeled along a reef with Grandpa and we saw tons of fish. This includes Snapper, Barracuda, Nassau Grouper, Blue Tang, Sharks, Blue Runners, Squirrelfish, Sergeant Majors, Cocoa Damselfish, Dusky Damselfish, Spotted Goatfish, and many more!
 I also found a baby sea star.
We have been having a lot of fun and we will be back in about 2 to 3 weeks. Gotta go! Miss everyone!
The skeleton is ready to party!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Stings and Things


Look at the video below. What do you think this creature is?

A. Baby Squid
B. Baby Octopus
C. Baby Cuddlefish
D. Baby Sea Spider

Think you have the answer? Write your thoughts in a comment to see if you got it correct next blog!

Anyways, it's Maddy. This is going to be another picture/video blog. We have been seeing a ton of new things. Enjoy!

This is a spotted eagle ray. Spotted eagle rays are part of the eagle ray family. They have a lot of spots and rings on their body and a long tail with stingers. Spotted eagle rays feed on mollusks and crustaceans. We were walking one day on the dock and looked below us to be greeted by a huge spotted eagle ray. He gracefully swam around and then dug in the sand, probably to find food. He stayed long enough for us to get great pictures!

We also saw lots of bananaquits. Bananaquits are little black and white birds that have a yellow crest. I think they look like tiny Emperor Penguins! Their long, curved beak is used to sip nectar from flowers similar to a hummingbird. A little bananaquit ate lunch with us this fine day!

I saw many baby conch, too. Conch shells get their name from the small sea snails that live inside them. Conch look like slugs with a long arm that helps them flip themselves over. They are edible, but not when they are babies. When they are grown, you can eat them.

Guess what?! I saw a lionfish!!!!! We were snorkeling through spiny sea urchins in Shroud Cay. These urchins spines were the size of a baseball bat and the body itself was bigger than my fist![ My fist is not very big! :] ] I looked down at an urchin when I saw a small fish with big red and white fins. It's eyes were dark and spines covered the fish like a strong suit of armor. I realized it was a lionfish! Lionfish are invasive organisms that are not native to reefs in North America. They can wreck the reefs. Lionfish have venomous spines that are very painful. I was so glad I finally got to see one!!
We met a diver who caught a lionfish.

One day, we went fishing and we caught one tuna and one mahi. The mahi was bigger than I was [ again, I m not very big, ], and we ate some of it that night.

I also went knee boarding with my new friends, Elena and John. Elena is my age and John is 7. They' re being homeschooled on their boat, too. I had never been knee boarding before and they taught me how. It was so much fun! Unfortunatly, we forgot the camera so I did not get any pictures, but I will go again sometime!
Well, gotta go but don't forget to answer the trivia! Bye!

P.S. To all of the girls in my class, I like you better than the skeleton!!! Miss you guys!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sea stars, sea stars, and more sea stars

Attention Citizens! Maddy here, and the world is being overrun by SEA STARS! Yeah, I said it, SEA STARS!! 
There are sea stars everywhere you go. 
Sea stars, Sea stars, more Sea stars.... Interesting fact #3: You should call starfish "sea stars," because they are not fish. Sea stars are going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! Be prepared, America. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Trivia Answer Time:

How Many Times does Pharell say "Get Lucky," in the Song "Get Lucky"?
The answer was C. 70. 

Did you get it right? According to my comments, only one person got it right. Congrats! If you didn’t get it right, don't you worry! I will be posting more trivia questions soon.
Anyways, this blog will be a video/picture blog. We took so many good pictures and videos!
First, I surely "got lucky" a few days ago. I caught us dinner! It was a big red snapper.

 I caught it all by myself. When we ate it for dinner that night, it was hard to think that it was swimming only a couple hours ago.

I also tried a regulator for the first time. I didn't swim with it, but I did breathe through it out of water. I'm looking forward to trying it in the water.

Now, let's go back to this sea star situation.
Sea stars are not fish, but echinoderms. They are closely related to sand dollars and sea urchins. Sea stars are found in tropical waters and on the cold ocean floor. 
The one's that we found have 5 legs, but they can have up to 40 legs! Most sea stars can also consume their prey in a very peculiar way. Using tiny suction-cupped feet, they can pry open oysters and clams. Then, their stomach emerges from their mouth and oozes into the shell. 
They envelope the oyster with their stomach to finish digesting it, and then moves their stomach back inside their body. If you want more on where I got this information, go to the National Geographic website and read the article. It amazed me!

Well, gotta go but here is another sunset. Bye!

Grandpa's Haircut

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Time to Explore!

Trivia Question Time!

Hello, everyone! It's me, Maddy and I will occasionally give trivia questions. The one for this time is:

How many times does Pharell say "Get Lucky," in the song "Get Lucky"?

Is it:
A. 18
B. 32
C. 70
D. 86

Think you have the answer? Write your thought in a comment and I'll spill the beans next blog! Let's hope you " get lucky!"

Anyways, I have been having tons of fun in Highbourne. Right after dropping off Mom and Emmy at the airport, we took the dingy to a tiny little island. Seriously, it's small. You cannot fit a house on it! We call this island Lone Palm because it has one palm tree on it.
 It takes up most of the island. I walked on the beach for a little bit and then took a swim. Lone Palm is full of shells because no one really goes on it. We jumped back on the dingy and went back home to go to bed. I was excited for the next day of adventure, and we would get to do so much!  

 Unfortunately, my wish did not come true. It rained hard all that night and part of the morning. When the furious rain came to an end, I went out on the deck. I thought everything had gone back to normal. Of course, I was wrong once again. There wasn't any rain, but the winds were very  hard and the waves were rough. Looks like we would have to spend what I thought would be the perfect day, inside. I decided that this would be a good day to start my work that I had to do. The front boat room turned into a classroom as I pulled out my textbooks and pencils.
 I hoped that it would be easy. Finally, I  was in luck. Work was easy and soon I went out to the deck again. The wind was still thrashing trees' leaves around, but I really wanted to spend at least a little time outside. So, I asked Mamere and Grandpa if we could take a bike ride by renting island bikes.
 It was super fun. We even drove by my new BFF, Mr. Skeleton! I told him that the bus was never going to come! Hopefully, he went home.

 Then, we went home and jumped in bed. Hopefully, tomorrow was going to be beautiful. Who knew? My wish came true! It was sunny with a slight breeze and we went to a private beach.
 Grandpa, Mamere, and I went to a little area with tide pools. Grandpa looked around and found a pretty much fossilized brain coral! It was so cool and don't worry, it was dead so we did not harm it. We only took pictures and put it back.

 After a long day at the beach, we went back to the boat and had the best dinner yet. We had lamb chops, steak, mashed potatoes, and cabbage with cream of chicken soup. It was delicious! We dumped the leftovers overboard and big fish came and ate it.
 I even saw a nurse shark check out the boat! By the way, I found out that some bull sharks were with the nurse sharks by the dock! After that we went to bed. This morning, we woke up just the same and after I finish this entry, we are going fishing! Well, I've gotta go catch a big one but stay tuned for next time. I'll give you our latest journeys and get ready for the answer to the trivia question! Let's hope we "get lucky" and catch a fish.