Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sea stars, sea stars, and more sea stars

Attention Citizens! Maddy here, and the world is being overrun by SEA STARS! Yeah, I said it, SEA STARS!! 
There are sea stars everywhere you go. 
Sea stars, Sea stars, more Sea stars.... Interesting fact #3: You should call starfish "sea stars," because they are not fish. Sea stars are going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! Be prepared, America. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Trivia Answer Time:

How Many Times does Pharell say "Get Lucky," in the Song "Get Lucky"?
The answer was C. 70. 

Did you get it right? According to my comments, only one person got it right. Congrats! If you didn’t get it right, don't you worry! I will be posting more trivia questions soon.
Anyways, this blog will be a video/picture blog. We took so many good pictures and videos!
First, I surely "got lucky" a few days ago. I caught us dinner! It was a big red snapper.

 I caught it all by myself. When we ate it for dinner that night, it was hard to think that it was swimming only a couple hours ago.

I also tried a regulator for the first time. I didn't swim with it, but I did breathe through it out of water. I'm looking forward to trying it in the water.

Now, let's go back to this sea star situation.
Sea stars are not fish, but echinoderms. They are closely related to sand dollars and sea urchins. Sea stars are found in tropical waters and on the cold ocean floor. 
The one's that we found have 5 legs, but they can have up to 40 legs! Most sea stars can also consume their prey in a very peculiar way. Using tiny suction-cupped feet, they can pry open oysters and clams. Then, their stomach emerges from their mouth and oozes into the shell. 
They envelope the oyster with their stomach to finish digesting it, and then moves their stomach back inside their body. If you want more on where I got this information, go to the National Geographic website and read the article. It amazed me!

Well, gotta go but here is another sunset. Bye!

Grandpa's Haircut


  1. This is such a cool one. I love the videos and pics and wow what a lot of research you did on the sea stars! It was always fun to watch these vidoes of grandpa and ma mere last year but even cooler to see you living the life too! :) Proud of you on the snapper too. Thats WAY more fishing than mom ever did! Keep blogging! Love you!

  2. PS I do believe MOM was the first trivia winner!! :P

  3. That's awesome that you caught your dinner all by yourself!! I hope it tasted good :)

  4. I am very glad you are providing food for Grandpa and Mamere considering Grandpa is not doing a very good job of that! I loved this blog entry it was very informative but I do have one suggestion: DO NOT end another blog with a pic of Grandpa!!!!
